Workshop of Elisabeth-Louise VIGEE LE BRUN. 1755-1842
Portrait of Marie-Antoinette and her children.
French School 19th century
From Henry IV, founder of the Bourbon dynasty to Napoleon III, last French Emperor, the exhibition presents portraits of the sovereigns who made French history.
Around thirty portraits of the great people who have succeeded one another on the throne of France are presented in a chronological and didactic manner, an invitation to rediscover these Kings and Queens who spanned three centuries of French History from the Bourbons to the two Empires. by the French Revolution, the Restoration and the July Monarchy.
Paintings, sculptures, drawings and art objects, from the collection of the Imperial Art gallery, retrace in a non-exhaustive way a rich period in the History of France. The works are placed in their historical context, each illustrating an image of the sovereign, as it was understood at the time of its creation.
The exhibition is organized around three exhibitions which contextualize three major periods in French history.
- The Bourbon kings from Louis XIII to Louis XVI,
from greatness to fall
- From Napoleon I to Napoleon III, from one Empire to another
- The Monarchical Restoration in the 19th century,
from Louis XVIII to Louis-Philippe
Exhibition curator: Emmanuelle Le Bail, cultural and scientific director, assisted by Bochra Bouslama and Jérôme Cortade, in charge of historical research
Extension until Friday November 18
Free entry from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.